Our team wanted to understand the barriers homeowners have in integrating environmental tech in their home, and then design a solution that would overcome these hurdles.
A dashboard-centric app that serves as an information hub, technology tracker, and community destination for eco-conscious homeowners so they can achieve their sustainability goals.
Homeowners have a clear and concise way to understand their green technology. There are less barriers for entry into this industry, and they can see the impact they are making on the environment.
Understand the barriers that prevent users from using eco-friendly technology
Design an intuitive and easy to understand interface for users to see the benefits off their ecofriendly technology
Ensure a strong responsive design for users to easily view website on different platforms
Ensure a strong responsive design for users to easily view website on different platforms
Homeowners want efficient solutions that fit seamlessly into their daily life
Homeowners want to feel good about helping the environment
Homeowners will switch over to green technology when it is convenient in their lives
Homeowners need a way to easily access information about green technology
We found that when it comes to technology in the home, many homeowners gravitated towards using the current appliances they could rely on. In order to break that barrier, it is important that the benefits are easy to view and present throughout the website.
Taking inspiration from Duolingo, we wanted to add a gamification aspect to the core features to help emphasize the benefits. Many users responded positively to receiving badges as a feeling of accomplishment.