Product Design
3 Weeks
UX Designer
Create a native iOS app that supports the Nextiles’ physical product. The data that the sleeve can provide is endless, but we wanted to see how athletes can log and share data in order to track their improvement over time.
Through our research, our team was able to understand the key biomechanical data that athletes look for when trying to enhance their performance, especially as it pertains to their throwing arm. We then created a user interface that is easily navigable, and seamlessly integrates into an athletes life.
Our client was able to expand the reach of their product further into the users lives. With the app, Nextiles can create further iterations for further products they create.
Understand the specific metrics athletes monitor when they are working out
Design intuitive and easy to understand graphs to display the datathe biometric sleeve calculates
Create an onboarding flow that allows new users to easily connect their Nextiles product to their device
Understand the current market Nextiles and what differentiates them from competitors
Athletes want to track their progress daily and be able to compare over time.
Athletes take warming up very seriously to prevent injury.
Athletes usually train with multiple coaches and receive conflicting feedback
Athletes monitor different metrics that are important to them
Pitcher for the Kane County Cougars
Seth is constantly trying to become a stronger pitcher, and is looking for a way to accurately measure his stats to find areas where he can improve. Alongside this, he worries that his intense practices will eventally lead to injury
Old designs given to us from Nextiles
Athletes felt there was a sense of trust in being able to see exact data points on their statistics. However, in many cases, athletes didn't have time or didn't want to spend the time understanding the data. A system would need to be built out to guide and assist each athlete to give them ways to interpret the data for each user.
We found common universal themes among various athletes like the need to prevent strain on the muscles and the importance of knowing when your body is prone to injury. However, when it comes to using the product to perfect their craft, we found that each athlete. We solved this problem by narrowing down the MVP to one specific sport. While it is a short term solution, when expanding there will need to be a method to customize each athlete's experience.